- Maria Paradiso, MSW, is the new director of field education at Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
- Boston College Graduate School of Social Work’s new field director is Sue Coleman, MSW.
- Lisa A. Zimmer, MSW, is the new director of field education at the University of Cincinnati School of Social Work.
- New members of the Council on Social Work Education Field Council are: Rebecca Brigham, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Lisa Durham, Ohio State University, Saundra Ealy, Arizona State University, Heather Gillis, Tulane University, Freda Herrington , University of Kansas, Raesa Kaiteris, Yeshiva University and Rita Zeff, Seattle University.
New Appointments
Volume 1.1 | Fall 2011
Field Scholar
News & Notes
Practice Digest
- Experiential Learning in Preparation for Field Placement
- Placements in Social Justice Education
- Inauguration of Simmons School of Social Work Trauma Training Project
- MSW Student Field Readiness: “Boot Camp”
- Students and Field Instructors in Ongoing Supervision Groups
- The Reflecting Team in Supervision of Social Work Interns
- Readiness for Field: What Do Field Instructors Think?
- In Defense of Process
- Field Placement Disruptions: The CIA Approach